Wednesday, February 5, 2025


Government Changing Regulation Of Online Advertising

It looks like the Internet marketing industry could be staring at an age of government regulation and oversight that could change online advertising in major ways. While this kind of news should come as no surprise based on the new age of government intervention in business it is still enough to make even the most seasoned online marketer take notice.

Twitter Receiving A Massive Amount Of Free Advertising

When it comes to Internet marketing and social media marketing one of the most important metrics of success is the return on investment (ROI). Everyone demands to see something that measures this although most can’t agree on just how to accomplish that. Twitter is one outlet that people are trying to measure as to just how much value do their efforts get on the micro-blogging service.

Advertising To Make Its Way Onto Amazon Kindles

Amazon apparently has some big plans for their Kindle e-reader and it involves advertising. That’s right, advertising. After all, what would a good book be without advertising, right?

Online Opinions One of Most Trusted Forms of Advertising

Nielsen released some interesting findings from a study (pdf) on consumer trust and advertising. The most important takeaway is that consumer opinions posted online are the most trusted forms of advertising globally. Right off the bat, this tells me that:

Online Advertising To Grow 10% In

Worldwide online advertising will grow 10 percent this year, accounting for 15.1 percent of global ad spending by 2011, according to a new report from ZenithOptimedia Group. The report said online advertising has performed better than what was forecast three months ago due to its transparency, accountability and flexibility. Online advertising is the only category forecast for growth in 2009.

More Newspapers Look to Yahoo for Targeted Local Advertising

Yahoo is welcoming several new members to its Newspaper Consortium. These are Freedom Communications’ flagship newspaper, Orange County (Calif.) Register and The Gazette in Colorado Springs, Colo.; the North Jersey Media Group’s The Record and Herald News; and The San Diego Union-Tribune.

Bing Algorithm and Advertising Questions Answered

Microsoft has posted a FAQ page for adCenter advertisers wondering just what Bing has in store for them. One question pertained to Bing's algorithm, to which Microsoft's Carolyn Miller responded:

Fear and Advertising – Are you Scared Yet?

Murdok discussed fear and advertising with Steve Hayden, Vice Chairman of Ogilvy Worldwide. There is a lot of fear currently as we're going through what Hayden calls "the biggest transition in advertising since the advent of television." What are your biggest fears in advertising? Please share.
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