Wednesday, February 19, 2025


SEW Live – Accessibility Good For Profits, Karma

The Web is the future, and the Web should be everybody’s future, regardless of age or disability.  This was, in part, the message of James Golden, who spoke this afternoon at the SEW Live event in Ohio.

SEO & Accessibility Prevent Lawsuits, Increase Visibility

The WorldWide Web Consortium (W3C), in May 0f 1999, issued Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, which outlined methods of making web content easily accessible to the visually and physically impaired. In those guidelines the W3C stated plainly,

Accessibility: Alt Tag for Every Image?

Dear Kalena... Your newsletter reply to one visitor included: "I would also avoid using more than 2 or 3 alt tags on a single page if you can help it." I designed and manage a site for a visually impaired friend who writes children's books:

Andy Hagans Talks Accessibility

Andy Hagans, of Andy Hagans Link Building fame and his relatively new SEO blog, Tropical SEO sat down with me to talk accessibility.

Accessibility: Seeing is Believing

I was thrilled to see Matt Bailey interview Lee Laughlin in his accessbility blog. I know Lee as well, and instantly liked her.

Accessibility: Why it is Easy

Anti-discrimination legislation did not happen overnight.

Web Accessibility from Within

Accessibility is an abstract concept for the average web designer/developer, because he or she has never needed accessible web pages.

Font Accessibility

Just as it's important to choose the right colors for your design, it's also very important to make good choices about the fonts you use in your design.
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