Saturday, October 5, 2024

Rust CRUD Tutorial – Rust for Web Development

In today’s world of web development, efficiency and performance are paramount. The introduction of Rust, a language designed for performance and safety, offers an exciting possibility for backend developers. In this tutorial, we will explore how to create a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) web application using the Rust language.

Setting Up Your Rust Environment

First, you need to set up your Rust environment. If you don’t have Rust installed yet, head over to and follow the instructions there.

Creating a New Project

Once Rust is installed, you can create a new project by typing the following command in your terminal:

cargo new rust_crud_app
cd rust_crud_app

Including Dependencies

For our CRUD application, we will be using two main dependencies: Rocket for our web framework and Diesel for interacting with our database. To include them in your project, add the following lines to your Cargo.toml file:

rocket = "0.4"
diesel = { version = "1.4.0", features = ["postgres"] }

Run cargo build to download and compile these dependencies.

Establishing a Database Connection

Next, we will set up a PostgreSQL database connection using Diesel. Diesel offers a neat command-line tool that can help us with this. First, install it by running:

cargo install diesel_cli

Creating CRUD Operations with Rust

Creating Records

With the database connection established, it’s time to implement our CRUD operations. First, we’ll tackle “Create.” To create a new record, we can use Diesel’s insert_into function.

Import the necessary modules and define the required structs and schema.

use diesel::prelude::*;
use diesel::insert_into;
use diesel::result::Error;

// Import the schema and the table struct
use crate::schema::your_table;
use crate::schema::your_table::dsl::*;

// Define the struct representing your table's columns
#[table_name = "your_table"]
struct YourTable {
    // Define the fields of your table's columns
    field1: String,
    field2: i32,
    // ...

Implement a function to create a new record by inserting into the database.

fn create_record(conn: &PgConnection, field1: String, field2: i32) -> Result<usize, Error> {
    let new_record = YourTable {
        // ...

    let inserted_rows = insert_into(your_table)


In the create_record function above, we create a new instance of YourTable with the provided field values. Then, using the insert_into function, we specify the table we want to insert into (your_table), provide the values (&new_record), and execute the query by calling execute(conn) on it. Finally, we return the number of inserted rows as a Result<usize, Error>.

Make sure to replace your_table with the actual name of your table in the schema, and adjust the field names and types in YourTable according to your table’s structure.

Remember to handle potential errors returned by Diesel’s functions, such as the connection error or any database-specific issues.

With this implementation, you should be able to create new records using Diesel’s insert_into function in your Rust application.

Reading Records

Next, we will implement the “Read” operation. For this, we’ll use Diesel’s load function.

To implement the “Read” operation using Diesel’s load function, you can follow these steps:

Import the necessary modules and define the required structs and schema.

use diesel::prelude::*;
use diesel::result::Error;

// Import the schema and the table struct
use crate::schema::your_table;
use crate::schema::your_table::dsl::*;

// Define the struct representing your table's columns
struct YourTable {
    // Define the fields of your table's columns
    field1: String,
    field2: i32,
    // ...

Implement a function to read a record from the database.

fn read_record(conn: &PgConnection, target_field_value: i32) -> Result<Option<YourTable>, Error> {
    let record = your_table


In the read_record function above, we use the your_table and field2 from the schema to filter records based on the specified condition (field2.eq(target_field_value)). We then call first(conn) to retrieve the first record matching the condition, and optional() to handle the case where no record is found. The result is returned as an Option<YourTable>.

Make sure to replace your_table with the actual name of your table in the schema, and adjust the field names and types in YourTable according to your table’s structure. Additionally, modify the target_field_value parameter and the filter condition to match your specific search criteria.

Remember to handle potential errors returned by Diesel’s functions, such as the connection error or any database-specific issues.

With this implementation, you should be able to read records from the database using Diesel’s load function in your Rust application.

Updating Records

The “Update” operation comes next. For updating a record, Diesel’s filter and set functions can be very handy.

To implement the “Update” operation using Diesel’s filter and set functions, you can follow these steps:

Import the necessary modules and define the required structs and schema.

use diesel::prelude::*;
use diesel::result::Error;

// Import the schema and the table struct
use crate::schema::your_table;
use crate::schema::your_table::dsl::*;

// Define the struct representing your table's columns
#[derive(Queryable, AsChangeset)]
#[table_name = "your_table"]
struct YourTable {
    // Define the fields of your table's columns
    field1: Option<String>,
    field2: Option<i32>,
    // ...

Implement a function to update a record in the database.

fn update_record(
    conn: &PgConnection,
    target_field_value: i32,
    new_field1_value: Option<String>,
    new_field2_value: Option<i32>,
) -> Result<usize, Error> {
    let updated_rows = diesel::update(your_table.filter(field2.eq(target_field_value)))
            // ...


In the update_record function above, we use the your_table, field2, field1, and field2 from the schema to filter records based on the specified condition (field2.eq(target_field_value)). We then use the set function to specify the new values for the fields to be updated (field1.eq(new_field1_value) and field2.eq(new_field2_value)). You can adjust the set function call to include all the fields you want to update. Finally, we execute the query by calling execute(conn) on it and return the number of updated rows as a Result<usize, Error>.

Make sure to replace your_table with the actual name of your table in the schema, and adjust the field names and types in YourTable according to your table’s structure. Additionally, modify the target_field_value, new_field1_value, new_field2_value, and the set function calls to match your specific update criteria.

Remember to handle potential errors returned by Diesel’s functions, such as the connection error or any database-specific issues.

With this implementation, you should be able to update records in the database using Diesel’s filter and set functions in your Rust application.

Deleting Records

Finally, we will implement the “Delete” operation. This can be achieved with Diesel’s filter and delete functions.

To implement the “Delete” operation using Diesel’s filter and delete functions, you can follow these steps:

Import the necessary modules and define the required structs and schema.

use diesel::prelude::*;
use diesel::result::Error;

// Import the schema and the table struct
use crate::schema::your_table;
use crate::schema::your_table::dsl::*;

Implement a function to delete a record from the database.

fn delete_record(conn: &PgConnection, target_field_value: i32) -> Result<usize, Error> {
    let deleted_rows = diesel::delete(your_table.filter(field2.eq(target_field_value)))


In the delete_record function above, we use the your_table and field2 from the schema to filter records based on the specified condition (field2.eq(target_field_value)). We then call execute(conn) on the delete function to execute the delete query. The number of deleted rows is returned as a Result<usize, Error>.

Make sure to replace your_table with the actual name of your table in the schema, and adjust the field names and types in the filter function call to match your specific delete criteria.

Remember to handle potential errors returned by Diesel’s functions, such as the connection error or any database-specific issues.

With this implementation, you should be able to delete records from the database using Diesel’s filter and delete functions in your Rust application.

Conclusion on Rust CRUD Tutorial

Congratulations, you’ve built your first CRUD application in Rust! Rust’s promise of performance and safety combined with Diesel’s database management capabilities make it a powerful tool for backend development.

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