Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Slack Like A Pro: Uncover Little Known Tips & Tricks


Are you seeking ways to streamline your work and get the most out of your Slack experience? If so, you’ve come to the right place. We’re here to share a treasure trove of little known tips and tricks to elevate your Slack game.

Tips For Using Slack

One-on-One with Slackbot

Slackbot is not just an amusing diversion, it’s also a personal assistant. You can use it to remind yourself of upcoming tasks or events. Simply type “/remind me to [your task] at [time]” and it will notify you when it’s time. Learn more about it at the official Slack Help Center.

Master the Search Operators

Slash commands are cool but knowing how to refine your search can be a game changer. Search operators like “from:@username”, “in:#channel”, or “during:days” can streamline your searches. Find more about it in the Slack search guide.

Preview Channels with Quick Switcher

The Quick Switcher (Ctrl/Cmd + K) lets you switch between channels, direct messages, and threads swiftly. What you might not know is that you can hover over the channels or conversations in the dropdown to get a sneak peek of the latest messages.

Keep Track of Important Messages

Star any message or thread that you want to return to later. This creates a personal list of important messages, accessible from the starred items view.

Customize your Emoji

Add a personal touch to your Slack workspace by creating custom emojis. Visit the emoji page in the Slack Help Center to learn how to create your own.

Scheduled Messages in Slack

Ever need to send a message at a specific time but worry you might forget? Slack allows you to schedule messages for the future, ensuring your important information gets delivered right on time.

Conclusion on Slack Tips & Tricks

With these tips and tricks in your arsenal, you’re set to become a Slack pro. So, roll up your sleeves, dive into Slack, and let your newfound knowledge bring about a noticeable difference in your workplace communication.

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