Thursday, September 19, 2024

Zooomr Hits Upon People Search

There are just sixteen days left until Yahoo Photos shuts down, and as users look for another service, they might consider using Flickr, which is also owned by Yahoo.  Or they could consider Zooomr, which just added a people search feature.

It’s a nifty development, though not as amazing as facial recognition or anything of that nature.  Instead, Thomas Hawk, the CEO of Zooomr, wrote, “With Zooomr People Search you can now search by either email or name to find your friends on Zooomr.  This should make it much easier for you to connect to others using Zooomr.”

Hawk then concluded his Official Zooomr Blog entry by stating, “Look for more enhancements to people search in the near future on Zooomr.”  Interestingly, the entry just prior to this one was about the ability to add Zooomr thumbnails to Pownce.  And a couple weeks before that came something about Zipline, “Zooomr’s feature that allows you to follow the photos and activity of your friends and contacts on Zooomr.”

It seems like the company’s pretty busy, to say the least, and that many of its efforts are focused on social networking.  Mashable’s Kristen Nicole noted the same thing, and added a screenshot of Zooomr’s people search in action.  Some limited testing of my own seemed to establish that the thing works pretty well.

If you’re about to be displaced by the Yahoo Photos shutdown, Zooomr’s definitely worth a look.

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