Tuesday, September 17, 2024

YouTube Testing Several New Feature Updates

If you’re the sort of person who likes new things, here’s a bit of good news: YouTube is testing fresh versions of the Inbox, My Contacts, and My Videos features.  Moreover, even if you’re not part of the original (randomly selected) test group, you can opt in and try them out.

YouTube Tests
 YouTube Testing Updates

The YouTube Blog described what awaits early adopters.  In regards to the Inbox, a new interface and shorter load times should top the list; legitimate users can also look forward to less interference from the spam throttling system.  Another key upgrade will keep people from being able to see whether others have read their messages.

The My Contacts updates are perhaps less interesting, but there’s at least one gem among them: the ability to associate real names and email addresses with contacts.

Lastly, My Videos gets a serious collection of upgrades.  “You can see details for all of your videos in one view and batch-select videos to perform multiple actions like adding videos to playlists and favorites,” according to the YouTube Blog.  “Sorting filters for time, date added, views and ratings have been added for your uploaded videos, favorites and viewing history.  The new ‘Info & Settings’ page for your uploads has also been improved with collapsible menus for editing video information, thumbnails and options for broadcasting and sharing your videos.”

YouTube users are a vocal bunch, and responses to the blog post have been mixed.  The overall tone seems more positive than usual, however, so wider tests (or even a full-scale implementation) of these features can probably be expected in the future.

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