Thursday, September 19, 2024

YouTube Now Using Flash Media Server

I bet that got your attention 🙂

YouTube has just started to leverage Flash Media Server to – wait for it – allow users to record video clips directly from their webcam. And for the record and to avoid confusion: the video clips served by the site are still progressively downloaded, not streamed.

The actual recording application is about as basic as it can get, with a video object and a bunch of components tossed on Stage (see image, that’s me on the phone to Chad Hurley). The camera dropdown didn’t even reflect my actual camera – maybe they should try my free Camchooser component.

It would be nice of the recording would actually work lol. I failed to produce a recording both in IE and Firefox. Every time I clicked record, the button disappeared and the fields on the left disabled themselves… The status field showed ‘not recording’ which leads me to believe that it was, well, not recording.

Nice one for trying though, I am sure many people teenagers will use it. It’s good to see YouTube finally leveraging FMS in this way, it took them long enough. In fact I find FMS heavily underutilized, mainly because a lot of potential clients to not know enough about its great capabilities. Now YouTube just need to hire somebody who can actually build a working app 😉



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Stefan is a certified Flash Developer who has been involved with Flash Media
Server since its very early days. From his home office in the UK he has
handled a variety of projects, specializing in Flash Video and Rich Internet
Applications for clients that include CNET, USA Network and Unilever. Stefan
is the author of a series of Adobe Developer Center articles, has spoken at
several industry events and contributes a regular column on Flash Video to
Streaming Media Magazine. His site is one of the
largest online resources on Flash Video.

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