Friday, September 20, 2024

YouTube Going Mobile

YouTube is partnering with Verizion Wireless to expand its videos to mobile phones. Video content is expected to be available early next month. Unlike the free service YouTube offers online the mobile phone service will cost $15 a month. The new Verizion Wireless service is called V Cast.

Another difference is that subscribers will not have access to all of the videos on YouTube. YouTube and not the subscriber will control the content. Senior director of business development for YouTube Kelly Liang told the New York Times “We’ll select content that has the broadest appeal and the highest entertainment value”.

The content will change daily and will not feature advertising. Limiting the number of choices for subscribers does seem to be a drawback. YouTube has succeeded online because of the appeal that users could control content and watch what they want when they want.

The deal between YouTube and Verizion is for a limited time and will allow Verizion to show YouTube videos exclusively.

This latest offering on the surface looks exciting. With the content being limited and controlled by YouTube the whole concept seems luke warm. Verizon may see some new customers because of this deal but probably nothing significant.

Around 56.7 million people subscribe to Verizion Wireless but it is not known how many people subscribe to their V Cast service. Cingular and Sprint also offer similar services but Verizon’s deal with YouTube will be the first to feature user generated content.

YouTube has come under fire for copyright infringement issues but Kelly Liang said “”Both YouTube and Verizon take copyright ownership seriously. We’re confident we’ll be able to deliver content that’s not infringing.”

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Mike is a staff writer for murdok. Visit murdok for the latest ebusiness news.

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