Friday, September 20, 2024

YouTube Connects News Outlets With Citizen Reporters

YouTube has launched a new video platform called YouTube Direct that allows users to submit relevant videos to participating news organizations for broadcast.

All videos submitted to news organizations and approved by their editors will appear on YouTube with a link back to the news site.

Key features of YouTube Direct include:

  • Built on the YouTube API, this 100% open-source solution provides you with an easily-integrated audience engagement platform for your website
  • The customizable interface allows you to tailor the look and feel of the tool precisely to your audience
  • Visitors can answer your call for content by uploading their videos to YouTube via your site without leaving the page
  • A moderation panel enables your editors to review and approve/reject all submitted videos, deciding which ones meet your organization’s editorial criteria

News organizations currently testing include the Huffington Post, NPR, Politico, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Washington Post, and two TV stations in Boston.

Theprovides additional details. “Though we built YouTube Direct to help news organizations expand their coverage and connect directly with their audiences, the application is designed to meet any organization’s goal of leveraging video content submitted by the community.”

“Businesses can use YouTube Direct to solicit promotional videos, nonprofits can use the application to call-out for support videos around social campaigns and politicians can use the platform to ask for user-generated political commercials. The opportunities to use the tool are as broad as the media spectrum itself.”

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