Friday, September 20, 2024

Your Search Ad Gets A Zero

After carefully crafting a new ad for Google AdWords, the search ad receives no impressions and no clicks; before giving up in despair, read this. Fridays are bad for submitting new ads for review and approval with Google AdWords.

Your Search Ad Gets A Zero Give Your Ad A Fighting Chance
That team recently posted some information on why an ad would not be making an impression on potential viewers.

Each ad submitted for AdWords that could be displayed on the network of AdSense sites needs to be approved first.

That approval won’t come without a review, and all ads have to go through the process.

When those image and site-targeted ads destined for the Google Network arrive at Google, some of them may require editing to satisfy AdWords guidelines.

Once an ad has been edited, it has to go through the approval process again.

In the example posted on the AdWords blog, an ad that had been performing well plunged to zero impressions and zero clicks. The advertiser had made some changes to the ad’s copy, and upon seeing the dropoff reverted the changes. Yet the ad still continued to show zero clicks and impressions.

Until the ad catches the eye of a Google reviewer, it stays off the network. The AdWords team suggested a tip on moving those ads through the approval process:

When your advertising needs allow it, you may wish to submit your new or edited ads early to mid-week. Here’s why: ads are reviewed on a more limited basis over the weekend, so ads submitted late Friday or over the weekend may take longer to review than those submitted earlier in the week.

Also, be aware that review time may vary with the volume of ads being edited and created — so ads tied to a major retail holiday or event ideally would be submitted a bit in advance to account for higher volumes.

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David Utter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business.

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