Thursday, September 19, 2024

Young Favor Internet Over TV

More than three-quarters of people ages 16 to 29 prefer the Internet over TV according to a study from New Paradigm “Global Net Generation Survey.”

The survey was done online, which could explain the preferences.

It was conducted in April and May 2007 in the U.S., Canada, the UK, Germany, France, Spain, Mexico, Brazil Russia, China, Japan and India.

In China close to nine in 10 16 to 29 year olds said they would choose the Internet over TV.

In The U.S., 77 percent would choose the Internet, while 23 percent would select TV if made to decide.

Around three-quarters of all respondents said that if a company made false claims in it’s advertising, they would tell their friends not to buy from that company.

Over half of respondents said that today’s media portrayed young people too negatively.

Author of the study and CEO of New Paradigm, Don Tapscott, said the reason the younger generation prefers the Internet over TV is that television is passive, and doesn’t allow meaningful participation by the viewer.

“Look at Live Earth concerts this past weekend,” said Tapscott. “More than 10,000 ‘Friends of Live Earth’ events were pulled together in 130 countries.”

“People around the world could go online for background materials, event guidelines, suggestions for running a green event, advice on how to receive a concert satellite feed, and updates when additional materials such as short films became available. Television can’t do these sorts of things.”

“Rich multi-media sites such as and Al Gore’s show how the Net Generation can employ digital tools to make a difference. While high-profile media events like the Live Earth concerts help raise awareness, the global warming battle will be won in the trenches of the Internet.”


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