Wednesday, September 18, 2024

You Won’t Succeed if You Don’t Try

At first glance, this may seem to be a very obvious statement. But stick with me a minute.

Many of us started out thinking how easy it would be to make some money on the Internet. I guess we all know what a nice fairy tale THAT was!

And then came the months (or even YEARS) of buying product after product, hoping for the ONE product that would change everything. The ONE product that would make us rich! This was another fairy tale.

But then, finally, some of the endless pages about Internet Marketing began to sink in. Some of the products really WERE good products, ones you’d be proud to offer to others, ones you’d recommend to anyone who’s truly trying to learn.

And now comes the time that most people fail. If you’ve really read all these products you’ve bought, if you’re really serious about making some money, then you already know what to do.

First, you must set up your own website. Even if you’re not selling even one product of your own, you MUST have your own website. Yes, this is work. And that’s why many people fail right here. Working from home is still working.

You can’t buy a product about how to succeed at Internet Marketing, then expect to succeed without following the advice. And following the advice means working.

After setting up your own website, you must try to gather the email address of your visitors. Whether you provide them with a free report, or a free ebook, or a free trial, you must try to provide them with something of value, so they will give YOU something of value – their email address.

Again, this is work. Lots of work. Hard work. And no matter how hard you try, not every visitor to your site will sign up for your newsletter.

And after they sign up for it, you must produce your newsletter. Now, this is REALLY hard work. You must provide content, either your own, or an article from someone else. It must be content that someone actually wants to read. This is work.

And all the while, you must constantly read new products, look at new websites, and most important of all – work on your OWN product. Now we’re REALLY talking work!

There are many, many guides to marketing out there. There are some that I would even call necessary. But don’t get caught up in the learning cycle, and forget to DO!

Even if you think you’re not ready, build a website anyway. You can always keep working on it. Mine is always a “work in progress”. 🙂

Start your own ezine. Only publish it once a month if you want. Your publication schedule is up to you. And work on your own product. So what if it takes a long time? That will make it that much better!

Get to work today. Right now. Yes, it’s work. That’s what work-at-home means. But if you want to succeed, you’ve got to try.

Dennis Eppestine operates his website at You can join his newsletter by sending an email to

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