Sunday, October 6, 2024 – A New Chapter in Lifecasting

Please read Part I prior to reading this article. Also, please scroll down and press pause to stop the inbound video feeds until you’re ready.

The new world of lifecasting through video, a la, and through other flow apps such as Twitter, Jaiku and Tumblr, are lessons in Internet culture, communication and proof that narcissism can be a powerful driver for technology adoption.

In my last several posts, I’ve documented the migration of text-based streams. In this post, I’d like to review the forthcoming onslaught of lifecasters that are going to give online viewers their own version of online reality programming that will eclipse everything on broadcast, cable, and satellite television today.

On the surface, it’s easy to mistake this movement for narcissism, or as Chris Pirillo calls it, “The Narcissytem.” This perceived aura of self-importance is actually nothing new. Afterall, this is the generation that believes that they are all rock stars and therefore behave accordingly. The difference is that now they have the tools and the technology readily available for them to now also become TV stars.

I call this is far more valuable to the reality of what is, what will be, and what’s possible. It is an inevitable reality and it will deprive you of countless, precious hours whether you’re producing or watching – or both. It’s already underway.

As I mentioned in my last post on the subject, that was much more than novelty, it was the beginning of mobile lifecasting. I stated that regardless of what the future held for, that it would inspire others to replicate his programming by simply living life through their own digital eye. I did not however, realize how quickly this would transpire.

Last night we ( co-sponsored a one month milestone party along with Scott Beale of Laughing Squid. While I was prepared to promote the event one last time, I was distracted by the buzz on Twitter that Robert Scoble was experimenting with a live video stream (dubbed the Scoblecam), which he was planning to debut at the Web 2.0 Expo on Monday. In fact, Scoble previewed the capability by broadcasting his family’s drive up to Merced.

Jeremiah Owyang shortly after, announced that he too would broadcast live from the Web 2.0 Expo. In fact, he wrote an incredible piece detailing how to do it yourself.

Chris Pirillo set all of this in motion when he announced and demonstrated his ability to lifecast – live.

What do they all have in common? Whereas the crew creating their own broadcast platform, Scoble, Pirillo and Owyang are utilizing Chris Yeh’s new up-and-coming lifecasting network, is the Youtube of lifecasts and it’s providing lifecasters with an intuitive and feature-rich platform to start broadcasting their own channel. While the network needs basic aesthetic improvements, the infrastructure is impressive.
Is this too much, as asked by Matthew Ingram and further discussed by Scoble? No way. It’s not about those that don’t find it fascinating, it’s about that people that do.

As Jeremiah points out, all you need is a notebook, extended batteries, a webcam, a mobile EVDO or 3G connection, and a account. I’ll add that either courage or a big ego is also a prerequisite for a mobile lifecast.

The other important ingredient is people. Without anyone watching, then it really is nothing more than egocasting.

What sets apart from the rest? Well, so far he’s the only one who’s 1) monetized it and 2) broadcasts 24/7. is so far the Web’s most ambitious, and proven, lifecast. How long that will last is numbered. However, with every new lifecast that goes online, the world of entertainment and programming will forever be changed.


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