Thursday, September 19, 2024

YDN Turns To Krugle For “Functionality”

The Yahoo Developer Network is apparently lacking in functionality, or maybe it’s just not as functional as its parent company would like.

Not to worry, though – Krugle, Inc. “will supply search functionality” thanks to a new arrangement.

Krugle, which is based in Menlo Park, California, has defined itself as “the code search engine.”

On its “About Us” page, Krugle claims that it can save customers time, money, and headaches – which is a fairly standard set of assertions – but it may be the only company in the world that also includes a reference to Shakespeare.

All right, so dropping the name “Hamlet” doesn’t exactly reflect on Krugle’s business abilities. But less than a month ago, the company received a bit of a boost in profile when Robert Scoble advised Microsoft to “look to Krugle for your search woes.”

Now, although the boys in Redmond may not have heard the call, it appears as if Yahoo received the message and obeyed.

Laura Merling, Krugle’s Vice President of Marketing and Business Development, took a moment to say some nice things about her new pals.

“The YDN guys, Chad Dickerson and Matt McAlister, have really done an amazing job at reaching out to the developer community – hats off to them for being so excited about what developers could do with Krugle . . .” she wrote.

Merling’s boss, Krugle CEO Steve Larsen, also had an upbeat tone when he made an official statement.

“With this partnership,” he began, “Krugle will make it easier than ever to leverage the true potential of Yahoo!’s open APIs and Web Services.”

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