Saturday, October 5, 2024

Yahoo’s Local Ad Options At New Panama

The second part of Yahoo Local Advertising Options, Post-Panama at ClickZ has some fine tips on local search marketing. Patricia Hursh, the author of this writeup explains intricately which ad product is best for your online marketing needs.

For sponsored search Patricia recommends, “geotargeted Sponsored Search campaigns for Internet-savvy local businesses, regional firms, Web-based businesses, and national chains, franchises, and dealerships. Really, any business – local or not – wanting to present different messages or offers to searchers in various locations can benefit from Yahoo’s geotargeted Sponsored Search.”

However this approach is applicable only those who are ready to accept the challenges of a full brown PPC advertising campaign. The key point is that you have to keep working on the advertising solution. Hiring the services of a professionalized agency is also a good idea.

According to Patricia, Yahoo! Local Listings are chiefly designed for small and local businesses that are serving consumers in a focused area. Patricia says, “I recommend Local Listings for marketers who desire a simplified approach and appreciate the flat monthly fee. This solution eliminates the need to manage campaigns, keywords, bids, and budgets. Furthermore, the contact information and map associated with a Local Listing makes it particularly well suited for marketers wanting to make their phones ring or drive customers into their physical stores.”

Further on, the best way to ensure that you are within reach of people who search on Yahoo! is by testing geotargeted Sponsored Search ads and Featured Local Listings. Another step essential to increase visibility is by migrating from Yahoo!’s Local Sponsored Search Product to either a geotargeted PPC account or a Featured Local Listing.

Finally Patricia sums up the article, “Will local search advertising ever be as well understood as newspaper or yellow page ads? It’s just a matter of time. Won’t it be nice when the next local business owner you meet at a cocktail party wants to discuss Yahoo Local Listings?

Search engines certainly haven’t cracked the small business marketing code yet. Stay tuned.”

Indeed a captivating post. Catch the complete article at Clickz


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About the Author

Nav is the founder and CEO of Page Traffic, a premier search engine company known for its assured SEO service, web design and development, copywriting and full time SEO professionals.

Navneet has wide experience in natural search engine optimization, internet marketing and PPC campaigns. He is a prolific writer and his articles can be found in the “Best Articles” section of many websites and article banks. As a search engine analyst , he has over 9 years of experience and his knowledge is in application here.

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