Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Yahoo’s Key To Kill AdSense

The still in testing Yahoo Publisher Network has been touted as a potential disruptive force, once it opens to more publishers.

Yahoo's Key To Kill AdSense

Yahoo Publisher Network has a “US-only” requirement for webmasters currently. If that goes away, opening the service to the world, things could get interesting with Yahoo’s revenue.

Robert Nabloid at Seeking Alpha cited several ways Yahoo might rise this year. They have more room to grow than Google does, given Google’s enormous market capitalization.

“Right now Google has a monopoly on all international publishers. When Yahoo releases the program from beta, thousands upon thousands of websites from around the world will begin to use Yahoo,” Nabloid predicted. He has no holdings in Yahoo or Google.

Yahoo reigns as the most popular web destination, he noted. The continued growth of online advertising, which reached nearly $10 billion in the first half of 2007, provides Yahoo with more selling opportunities.

Though Nabloid touted the innovative thinking at the company that delivered Yahoo Answers, Yahoo has been more actively shutting services down than launching new ones. The gains they will make in services should come from this paring back of minimally used or duplicate services, like Picks and Photos respectively.

Yahoo’s work with the Publisher Network and its gains thus far won’t eclipse Google AdSense easily. Google recently published Newbie Central for AdSense, help pages aimed at first-time users of the ad service. They won’t give up billions of revenue dollars without a fight.

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