Saturday, October 5, 2024

Yahoo’s Efforts to Outshine Google

Om Malik posts a great commentary on Yahoo’s ongoing bid to win blogger and techie favor – i’ve said so before, and i’ll say it again: They’re doing a great job…

Look at some of the recent additions to Yahoo’s mix:

  • RSS and blogs in
  • Yahoo 360 – social network / sharing / blog offering
  • Creative Commons search
  • YPN (comeing soon..)
  • Y!Q
  • Continued blogger love for Jeremy and Russ
  • They’ve been pulling every trick in the book to woe the conversation their way for well over 6mts now and i’d reckon it’s starting to pay off when you see Om writing about it…

    Many starting to see that many of Google’s forays into anything but search have been like its search results lately – off target. Orkut is a bit of a blah! Blogger is because, blogger was! Google News and Froogle – well I think Jeff Jarvis has some choice words about that. AdWords/AdSense are great, but prone to click fraud. GMail is wonderful, but the ads on my content, no thank-you! An Autolinks brouhaha ensued.

    Maybe im a sucker, but i’ve fallen hook line and sinker for this. Im not bothered that their is motive other than a love for the people heh.. what’s important is that they understand that they need to do this…

    It’s a facinating game to watch.

    Source: How Yahoo Got Its Mojo Back

    Nick Wilson is the publisher and founder of

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