Thursday, September 19, 2024

Yahoo Updates My Web Features

The Yahoo My Web 2.0 team delivered several functionality updates and performance tweaks to its bookmark sharing site.

A revised homepage for My Web 2.0 recently appeared online. Yahoo’s MyWeb Development Team mentioned that revision along with a number of other changes and request fulfillments they performed on the site.

On the homepage, logged-in users see their three most recent saved pages right up front. That replaces the single link to “My Pages” on the old homepage. Also, Yahoo noted how they placed more help for new users on the revised homepage too.

The Web 2.0 crowd should be thrilled to see an update to Tag Search in My Web. That update lets users search everybody’s tags. Yahoo said this tag search “was a big feature request over on the MyWeb message boards.”

It looks like Yahoo’s acquisition of enabled the MyWeb programmers to implement that feature. The tag search works the same way on My Web as it does on

In a hat tip to SearchEngineWatch, the MyWeb team reminded users that a Save to My Web button was available to drag and drop onto one’s bookmark’s bar in a browser. Also, Yahoo crafted an online form for bloggers to create a MyWeb badge that lets them insert the most recently saved pages to their blogs.

document.write(“Email murdok here.”)

Drag this to your Bookmarks.

Add to document.write(“”) | DiggThis | Yahoo My Web

David Utter is a staff writer for murdok covering technology and business.

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