Friday, September 20, 2024

Yahoo Tries Glue Pages In India

Anyone who’s ever found traditional search results to be a little one-dimensional should be glad to hear that Yahoo’s addressing the issue.  Something called Glue Pages Beta slaps together normal search results, Google Blog Search results, Yahoo Answers results, HowStuffWorks articles, Wikipedia entries, Flickr images, and YouTube videos all in one place.

Sound overwhelming?  Well, it sort of is, and that list was just what the term “dog” turned up.  Try “asthma,” and you’ll find stuff from Yahoo Groups, Yahoo News, and WebMD, as well.  Yahoo India (and only Yahoo India) is using Glue Pages as the default search option, however, so the company appears to be pretty interested in this presentational style.

Yahoo Glue Beta
 Yahoo Glue Pages Beta

“Glue Pages unite your Classic Search Results with visual information from the best sites anywhere on the Web,” according to a short explanation.  Indeed, it’s hard to argue with the selection, although it’s also a bit telling that Yahoo didn’t showcase more of its own products.

A small tab allows users to switch back to Classic Search Results, so it should be easy to monitor how well people like the new layout.  Look for Glue Pages to spread if it’s at all successful in India.

Finally, even if it’s unlikely that Yahoo and Google timed things this way, it’s at least worth noting that Glue Pages Beta is coming out just after YouTube India was launched.

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