Thursday, September 19, 2024

Yahoo! Search: Youre Gonna Pay

Yahoo! has officially – and finally – broken free from its Google chains and launched its own algorithmic search technology.

Striving to bring users more comprehensive and relevant search results, the new Yahoo! Search technology will be gradually introduced worldwide throughout the next several weeks.

Yahoo! Search is being developed from services Yahoo! acquired through its purchase of Inktomi, the portal that lists MSN, Hotbot, About, and Overture, to name a few. This means that upon its completion Yahoo! Search will power nearly 50 percent of all web searches.

The innovative new technology is part of Yahoo!’s effort to provide the best possible experience in online searching – in addition to boosting efforts to compete with the search kingpin Google.

Despite all the hype, Yahoo!’s diminished reliance on Google means that businesses and webmasters will now have to pay Yahoo! to have their links listed for inclusion on results pages.

Opinions differ as to whether paying for a listing in Yahoo! is really worth the money it charges: $299 per year for a listing. Some business owners and webmasters aren’t too pleased, because in the past they could pick up Yahoo! visitors by simply submitting their sites to Google for free.

Meanwhile, California-based Google anticipated this blow and isn’t expected to experience too much financial pain just yet.

Google recently updated its index to include 6 billion items and some analysts value the company at anywhere from $500 million to $15 billion, based on its influence in the search engine industry.

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