Thursday, September 19, 2024

Yahoo Says Advertisers Should Tap Users Passions

Advertising that reaches into consumer’s passions is likely to result in greater online engagement and brand loyalty according to a new study from Yahoo and MediaVest, “Passionistas: The New Empowered Consumers.”

 Yahoo Says Advertisers Should Tap Users Passions

Yahoo Says Advertisers Should Tap Users Passions

The study found that highly engaged consumers dubbed “Passionistas” are much more likely than average consumers to create and share content online about their passions and the brands associated with them.

According to the study, which tracked the online behavior of consumers with specific passions including health, sports, food and entertainment found that for every minute a typical Internet user spends online with the same content, Passionistas spend six minutes. Passionistas will visit a Web site related to their passion three times more than an average user. Passionistas search online for information about their passion 184 percent more than typical users and do more than 100 related searches involving their passion per year.

“Being passionate today means digital content sharing and influencing others’ brand perceptions and purchase behaviors,” said Mark McLaughlin, Vice President of Audience Strategies at Yahoo!

“Marketers who build their campaigns from the start with the goal of tapping into passions are inviting consumers to get engaged and create an authentic dialogue.”

In addition the study found that 53 percent of Passionistas would try a brand they had not previously considered if it were associated with their passion, compared to 41 percent of typical Internet users. Forty-six percent said a brand has more credibility if associated with their passion, versus 34 percent of average users.

“Brands that stimulate conversation among passionate consumers will be rewarded through the credibility that comes from trusted word of mouth,” said Jim Kite, President of Connections Research and Analytics at MediaVest.

“Accessing Passionistas online also offers the ability to track this valuable group’s media consumption habits, enabling brands to optimally – and accountably – leverage their advocacy power.”


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