Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Yahoo Research Whips Up Video Remixer

The tool created by Yahoo Research Berkeley for International Remix on the San Francisco International Film Festival website gives visitors a way to remix selections of films created by directors from around the world.

Nineteen directors from the US and several other countries contributed videos to the International Remix, Ryan Shaw from Yahoo Research posted on his blog.

Yahoo made it possible for site visitors to the 49th annual San Francisco International Film Festival’s online presence to mix and remix an assortment of film content. Shaw and others at Yahoo Research created International Remix, a video remixer prototype, for the festival.

More details appeared at Yahoo’s Search Blog:

Go crazy with creativity and re-edit, remix and mash-up film selections from this year’s festival into 1-minute remixes. You can then post your remixes to the site gallery for others to view and enjoy. But wait! There’s more. A selection of the best remixes will be screened at Edinburgh Castle (950 Geary Street in San Francisco) on Monday, April 24 at 10:00 pm, free. Seating is limited.
After reviewing the lengthy Terms of Service agreement and creating a username and password, the Remix tool invites the user to click and drag a video clip to the View & Edit box. Favorite clips can be added to the My Clips bin, then added to the Remix timeline at the bottom of the screen.

Then the budding Spielberg can shift clips around, and add background music to the Remix from a variety of sound sample selections. After completing the masterpiece, it can be saved and possibly picked for that screening noted earlier.

Perhaps this is the next phase of social media – taking it offline after creating it online to share with other people.


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David Utter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business.

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