Friday, September 20, 2024

Yahoo Pushes Sponsored Search to iPhones and Android

  • Yahoo announced that Yahoo Sponsored Search ads now appear on iPhones and Android devices. 

“With this tweak, standard Sponsored Search ads (40-character header, 70-character description, the host URL—you know the drill) will appear on these mobile devices, giving your ads wider appeal and more relevancy to people on the go—potential customers searching for your offerings, whether you’re offering dry cleaning or a dry martini,” says Yahoo’s Search Marketing Team.

Yahoo Sponsored Search Comes to iPhone and AndroidAdvertisers don’t need to do anything extra to ensure that their ads are being served on iPhones and Android devices. They can still target mobile users specifically using Yahoo Mobile Sponsored Search, however.

“You’ve probably noticed that for a lot of consumers, surfing the Web increasingly doesn’t depend upon the PC,” says Yahoo.

They’re certainly right about that. The latest info from Nielsen says that web visitors using a mobile device increased 34% year-over-year from 42.5 million in July 2008 to 56.9 million in July 2009. Mobile web use is growing among all age groups, especially women, teens, and seniors.

Mobile Web Audience

The fact that mobile web use is growing so significantly across the board indicates the importance of mobile for marketers. That importance will not be declining anytime soon. If you are already a Yahoo Sponsored Search advertiser, the company’s announcement is big news. If you are not, perhaps this will make the service more enticing.

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