Friday, September 20, 2024

Yahoo Purchases Zimbra For $350 Million

Zimbra’s “About Us” page is pretty nice – there are concise statements regarding what the company does, who it works with, and how to contact it.  The page may need an overhaul, however, as it also offers an option to “View Google Map,” and word has it that Zimbra was just acquired by Yahoo.

The “word,” as such, comes from both Kara Swisher and Michael Arrington, which should satisfy any skeptics.  There aren’t yet any press releases, but Arrington states that his information came from “a very solid source,” and Zimbra’s price was “$350 million, in cash, confirmed.”

Zimbra, which makes “open source, next-generation collaboration and messaging software,” has received a fair amount of positive attention in recent months.  Also, just six days ago, the company was able to announce the registration of its 10,000th forum member.  (“We have a very good spam moderation system, and are fairly confident that just about all of those registrations are genuine,” John Holder added on the Zimbra Blog.)

So the acquisition looks like a good move on Yahoo’s part.  And as Swisher notes, this development follows the purchases of both BlueLithium and BuzzTracker; it seems like Yahoo has decided acquisitions may be the best way to attain some success.

As always, only time will tell if the strategy works.  Meanwhile, look for a link to Yahoo Maps to appear on Zimbra’s “About Us” page.

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