Thursday, September 19, 2024

Yahoo Provides Local Traffic Info on Online Maps

Yahoo has launched a service that lets consumers view live local traffic information on their online maps and driving directions.

Yahoo! is the first online site to provide speed conditions and dynamic traffic information nationwide.

The new mapping feature will initially be integrated in Yahoo! Search, Yahoo! Local, and Yahoo! Maps — and is available to consumers. In the coming months, Yahoo! will continue to develop additional enhancements that increase the functionality and power of its mapping and traffic technology to deliver on its vision of delivering the best local search experience online.

Online map usage has grown 60 percent during the last two years (Nielsen NetRatings, October 2004), and products are becoming more advanced with technology like Yahoo!’s innovative SmartView service. In line with this increase in consumer demand online, the new Yahoo! traffic solution provides users with the best way to reach their destinations by incorporating reliable information for over 70 metropolitan areas in the U.S.

“Yahoo! continues to improve our users’ online experiences by delivering new and innovative local services,” said Paul Levine, general manager of Yahoo!’s Local Services. “We’re pleased to be the first major maping site to offer a robust, nationwide traffic service. This is an exciting extension of our local strategy and another example of how we can leverage Yahoo!’s content and technology to create a truly differentiated search experience.”

With current integration with Yahoo! Search and Yahoo! Local, this mapping product will offer deeper integration across the network in the coming months.

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