Friday, September 20, 2024

Yahoo Real-Time Search Test May Be Days Away

A little more information regarding Yahoo’s take on real-time search has emerged, and the details – scarce as they are – sound encouraging.  Another key point is that public testing of the real-time search feature may be just a few days away.

As we’ve said before, real-time search will be a tricky thing for Yahoo.  Google and Facebook have already made their first efforts in this field, and their partner – Twitter – has a rather higher profile than Yahoo’s pal, OneRiot.

Still, Yahoo’s thinking through some important issues.  After speaking to several unnamed sources, Jessica E. Vascellaro wrote, for example, “Yahoo said the real-time shortcuts will only appear on certain search queries,” so if you’re researching George Washington, you shouldn’t have to read about “dead president” Halloween costumes on Digg.

Vascellaro also wrote that Yahoo “is still weighing whether to integrate the results across its user base,” meaning it may give users a straightforward choice about what they’ll see under any circumstances – always a nice touch.

Anyway, it shouldn’t be much longer before we’re able to find out about the specifics straight from the Yahoo press office.  Yahoo seems to have focused on not falling too far behind Google and Bing, which is probably a smarter approach than agonizing for months over a not-quite perfect product.

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