Saturday, January 11, 2025

Yahoo & Google Split Market Down Middle


As Yahoo! search announced that they would no longer be utilizing Google’s search results in their query returns, they began launching their very own search technology, to wit – Yahoo Slurp. Now what does this transition mean to the dynamics of SEO and ad marketing on the web? It means that almost one-half of the entire search results returned on the web is now using a different technology other than Google’s PR system to present your website to the world.

Previously, Google shouldered the responsibility for just over 78% of all search queries returned on the internet daily. Google not only served up search results for Yahoo, but did so for the likes of AOL, Alexa, Netscape, and numerous other search engines.

These are the daily statistics on Google’s previous search result responsibilities:

Google: 35.11% – 112 million

Yahoo: 32.79% – 105 million

AOL: 9.00% – 29 million

Netscape: 1.10% – 4 million

Total: 78.10% – 250 million

Due to Yahoo! Search’s decision to go exclusive, Google’s controlling search presence has been reduced to only about 55% of all search queries made online. Although this still appears to be a lion’s share of the market, one must recognize the sobering fact that they lost over a one-third of their internet search interests in one swift and decisive move by Yahoo – now their biggest competitor. To push competition even further, Yahoo Search! now includes HTML, PDF, office documents, and dynamic pages as it spiders (or slurps) its way across the web.

There is only one problem with this scenario that is affecting SEO specialists and website producers alike. Now that Yahoo has thrown Google’s algorithm out the window in favor of their own “Inktomi based” results, one must now consider SEO from two different perspectives. SEO specialization has now been forced into two camps of thinking with the same single goal for your website- #1 placement on page #1 of your keyword search query in every search engine.

Your thoughts and opinions are most welcome.

Maximilian has been a licensed Cosmetologist for almost 20 years, including ownership of quality salons across the U.S. for over 15 years. He has worked as a platform artist and educator for several haircare companies, and was awarded the prestigious Paul Mitchell Medal of Honor. Maximilian used these experiences in formulating & producing the Oasis Haircare line, as well as, the Fat Lip Makeup Company, which he promotes online at the website:

Maximilian is well-studied in all aspects of web production, server maintenance & computer programming. His passion is Internet marketing in all forms.

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