Thursday, September 19, 2024

Yahoo Flashes New Development Center

A Flash Development Center opened on the Yahoo Developer Network with a variety of resources for ActionScript 2 and 3 application builders.

Have you wanted to become more comfortable using Flash with Yahoo’s web services? Now you can.

Jeffery Bennett posted the news at Yahoo’s Developer Center blog:

With examples in both ActionScript 2 and ActionScript 3, the Flash Developer Center will have you mashing up search, maps, music, and events in no time.

Brand-new to Flash? No worries; see our list of downloads and resources to get started. And for even more help, join our new YDN group, ydn-flash, and start trading those API tips and tricks with your fellow developers.
Noted Yahoo staffer and blogger Jeremy Zawodny also noted the debut of the Flash center, along with one for Ruby developers. “What languages should we do next?” he asked in the post, to which several people replied, “Perl.”

Back to Flash. At Yahoo’s new center, a few resources have been made available already to developers. A quartet of how-to articles discuss the ins and outs of performing a Yahoo search, using ActionScript with Yahoo Maps, creating a Yahoo Music Jukebox plug-in, and mashing up Flash with Yahoo’s event service,

Several links to useful downloads and other external resources appear at the Flash Developer Center. The site also makes note of what a developer will need to get started with Yahoo:

•  Adobe Flash 8 Professional
•  A Yahoo API Key
•  YahooAPI class and examples
•  An Application ID

After registering that ID with the Yahoo API class, development can begin. Yahoo’s how-to examples take the developer through the process of setting up the event handler, and demonstrating how to invoke, for example, the static Yahoo search method.

Interested developers may wish to make their way to Yahoo’s first public Hack Day on September 29-30. See the site for more details.


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David Utter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business.

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