Thursday, September 19, 2024

Yahoo! Finance Badges Detailed

Another component in Yahoo’s syndication strategy will enable publishers to embed financial information into their sites and blogs. Mani Kulasooriya from Yahoo said the toughest part of creating Yahoo! Finance Badges was not the technical side.

Yahoo! Finance Badges Detailed Exploring Yahoo’s Badge System
Instead, the legalities proved tougher to negotiate with the various markets than the creation of the Badges product.

Kulasooriya noted that Yahoo! spent about six months developing the Yahoo! Finance Badges. In a brief presentation, he demonstrated how they would work for bloggers/publishers.

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The Badges will be available for free, and publishers can choose from one of three formats to display: quotes, chart, and news, quotes and chart, or just quotes.

After selecting a format, the publisher picks the chart type to display, with up to three symbols included. Then a theme can be assigned; presently Yahoo! Finance Badges offers two, but Kulasooriya said they are working on making it skinnable to match the look and feel of a site.
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The Badges wizard then generates the code, which can be cut and pasted into the blog or website.

Kulasooriya said the release of Badges will further Yahoo’s overall syndication strategy. As the market leader in online finance news, they should find some traction with this new feature.

Since the Badges are in protected beta, we’re just going to provide a screenshot of how they will look.

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David Utter is a staff writer for murdok covering technology and business.

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