Friday, September 20, 2024

Yahoo Buzz Opens Submission System

A little less than a month ago, Google announced that it had indexed 1 trillion unique URLs.  In a slightly apples to oranges comparison, the 400 or so publishers connected to Yahoo Buzz seemed like a tiny group.  Now, however, Yahoo Buzz is knocking down all its barriers.

“Any of the Web’s best current event stories, gossip, photos, videos and more can be submitted and shared on Yahoo! Buzz,” explains Tapan Bhat on Yodel Anecdotal.

Yahoo Buzz
 Yahoo Buzz

He then continues, “You’ve already seen the ‘Buzz Up’ buttons on many of your favorite sites, including New York Times, Us Weekly and BoingBoing.  Now, as any site is able to add our button, you’ll have even more places to buzz to your heart’s content.  And if you don’t see that button on a Web story you just have to share, you can submit a story right on Yahoo! Buzz.”

Certain Yahoo Buzz stories will then make it to the homepage of Yahoo itself.  The traffic-related possibilities at that point are positive to say the least; Yahoo Buzz has seen around 5 million users so far, and a lot more are sure to reach for this carrot.

Bhat promised that additional upgrades are on the way, as well.

Before anyone goes dashing off to click on things, though, we should issue a reminder that the transfer from Yahoo Buzz to is controlled by an editorial team.  As a result, it’s going to be somewhere between hard and impossible to “game” the system.

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