Friday, September 20, 2024

Yahoo Blasted On China Issue

Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo have all been blasted for cooperating with the Chinese government, but this time Yahoo was alone in the hot water. Reporters Without Borders is angry with the search engine company for its willingness to “snitch” on Chinese dissidents.

“Earlier this year the firm gave up details on two journalists who had highlighted plans to squash commemoration of the Tiananmen Square massacre,” The Register’s Chris Williams reported. The international organization, which “is an association officially recognised as serving the public interest,” was not pleased.

“We have . . . once again seen that the way Yahoo! compromises its principles in China provokes a reaction of deeply-felt disapproval. It is high time this corporation took concrete steps to respect press freedom,” declared a Reporters Without Borders statement.

Our very own David Utter wrote about the group’s protest, which “singled out Yahoo’s Jerry Yang for specific complaints . . . ” A range of other sources, from individual reporters to large groups such as Amnesty International, have also covered (or taken part in) the story. A search for [Yahoo] on the Amnesty International site yields what might be an embarrassing number of results – 336 (although [Google] and [Microsoft] return 734 and 737, respectively).

Yahoo has had some other bitter dealings in China, as well. The company recently filed a second lawsuit against Qihoo, a rival portal. The dispute is becoming quite heated, with terms like “evil” and “personal vendettas” being thrown around.

The Chinese market is a big one, though. Yahoo doesn’t seem to mind stepping on a few toes in order to gain its share.


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Doug is a staff writer for murdok. Visit murdok for the latest eBusiness news.

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