Thursday, September 19, 2024

Yahoo And Flickr: Photosharing Made Easy

This past weekend, Jeremy Zawodny confirmed what many have been speculating about for a little while now: Yahoo has or is purchasing Flickr, the digital image sharing web presence.

Yahoo/Flickr Yahoo Shares Images With Flickr
Currently, details of the impending purchase have not been made known. A post made by Robert Scoble yesterday indicated as much when he asked how much Yahoo gave to acquire Flickr. Reaction the Yahoo/Flickr rumor confirmation was given by a number of users on Flickr Central, Flickr’s comments section.

Besides the expected disappointment from a few users who like their hobby sites unspoiled by corporate hands, reaction was quite positive. Because of the community aspect of Yahoo’s services, many see the partnership/acquisition as a good match-up.

As expected, the blogosphere’s reaction was swift, and in this case, quite positive as well:

Yahoo Buys Flickr
Jeremy Zawodny

The first time I used Flickr, I knew it was something different and something important.

It took me a while to figure out and try to articulate exactly what that was, but I took my first swipe back in September when I called it a Next Generation Web Service. In that posting, I said:

Flickr has been on my radar for a while now, but I only recently began to start playing with it. I’m impressed as hell. After my first 10 minutes of playing with it, I found myself thinking “why don’t we build stuff like this at Yahoo?” In other words, I realized that we could probably learn a lot from this when it comes to building next generation applications at Yahoo. (Whether or not we do is a whole separate topic of discussion.)

Flickr has the potential to set the new standard for on-line photo sharing, management, etc. Why?

Read the rest of the article.

I Wish Flickr Were Coming To Redmond
Robert Scoble

Jeremy Zawodny talks about why he’s excited by Flickr (he blogs for Yahoo and I bet he played no small part in getting Yahoo’s management excited enough to get this done).

Dave Winer was just talking with me about how the technology industry is interesting again due to competition.

I totally agree. It’s fun to be in the industry again. What a turnaround over 1999/2002.

And, yes, Jeremy, I’m jealous. I wish Flickr were coming to Redmond instead of going to Silicon Valley.

Read the rest of the article.

Jerry Yang On Buying Flickr
Ross Mayfield

Notes from one of the first PC Forum sessions, while hanging out in irc:// just after Jerry said something about how most bloggers are bad bloggers and new competition from real writers will crush us…

Esther hinted about it… Jerry said, “I know you were involved in a company we just bought, we just announced we acquired Flickr

Marc Canter yelled out loud something for the first time in two years that wasn’t “FOAF” and we all applauded Caterina while Stewart was in IRC.

Jerry continued: “I am a little embarrassed…” and Esther took Jerry’s picture. “We had to have these people with us… I hope Stewart and Caterina become our vanguards as we venture forward…”

Read the rest of the article.

Finally, a post made by Neville Hobson gives a good demonstration of putting Flickr to use and its subsequent effectiveness.

A Stroll Through Amsterdam Via Flickr
Neville Hobson

Today is the first really spring-like day of the year in Amsterdam. A hazy but sunny day, temperature about 19 Celsius (about 66 F), so it felt nice for my wife and I to take a stroll for an hour or so around our neighbourhood with my camera this afternoon.

I snapped quite a few pics, real amateur snapshot stuff. Some crocuses in bloom here, some daffodils there, plus quite a few of the buildings and architecture of the World Trade Center and surroundings.

I’ve uploaded those photos to Flickr where you can view them as a slideshow. Contrast these views with the winter snow scene from just a few weeks ago.

Read the rest of the article.

Chris Richardson is a search engine writer and editor for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest search news.

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