Friday, September 20, 2024

Yahoo Adds Capabilities to YQL

Last year, Yahoo debuted its YQL language, which lets users query, filter, and join data across web data sources or services on the web. YQL or Yahoo Query Language is based on a SQL-like language, and it helps apps run faster with fewer lines of code.

Today, Yahoo announced a new feature for YQL, and that is the Insert/Update/Delete feature. A spokesperson for Yahoo tells murdok this extends the platform by adding “write” capability to its capabilities, including YQL Open Data Tables and Execute.”


If you’re interested in seeing some examples of how the new feature can be utilized, Yahoo has a blog post up about it that shows some things it can do.

One thing it can be used for is to bring some Twitter integration to your blog. “This enables YQL’s Open Data Tables to insert new Twitter status messages, not just list them; to add new comments to a blog, as well as read them; to store data in a remote database; to INSERT INTO internet,” says Jonathan Trevor of the YQL Team.

“If you’ve developed some Open Data Tables already and the source supports some type of update, you might want to take this opportunity to go back and add the capability in,” he says.

Documentation is available here for developers. To get a better understanding of what you can do, keep an eye on Yahoo’s developer blog. Besides the aforementioned post, Trevor says more examples and demos will be covered in the coming weeks.

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