Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Writing For Profit and Pleasure – Writing Markets – Poetry Markets – Freelance Writing

There are 1000s of writing opportunities for writers and poets who are willing to take some initiative.

Most writers and poets wait for action. Of course, very little happens. Some writers believe they are so gifted that the world will discover their abilities sooner or later.

Success only comes to those who take action. You need to make people aware about your writing. You don’t necessarily have to shout about it from a cliff top. But if you don’t market your writing in some way, publishers and readers will never find out about your talent.

You need to find someone who will promote your work. Someone who will do the marketing for you so that you become a well known writer or poet.

Getting your foot in the publishing industry is the first vital step. Once you are in, the opportunities that are often locked away behind closed doors can now start coming your way.

Successful writers always have their plates full – they have more work than they can handle in the hours that are available to them.

Take for example freelance writers, business writers, copywriters, etc. If you make yourself known to such writers, they can keep you in mind when they have writing assignments that they simply don’t have the time to undertake.

If you get to know authors, they can put you in touch with agents or literary scouts. They may also be able to offer other essential tips that will help you.

In short, it’s all about marketing and networking.

You have to make the phone calls, attend writing conferences, attend writing holidays, take writing classes, go to book fairs, join a writer’s circle, get out and meet people at literary events.

If you sit back and wait, you will be waiting for a very long time indeed.

Invest time, effort and money to kick-start your writing career. Some aspiring writers and poets believe that they will succeed without help from experts and mentors. In the long term, anyone with the determination can make it. However, if you get help from mentors or guides, you can avoid many delays and errors.

Once you decide to take writing as a serious profession, you can’t afford to be lazy. You, or someone acting in your interests, must continually promote your presence as a writer or poet.

If you are writing for your pleasure only, that’s fine. If you want other people to enjoy your writing, apply the marketing and promotion ideas mentioned above.

Consulting Editors, Authors and Mentors at
http://www.AskProfessors.com – creators of the Affiliate Intelligence
and profit systems, http://www.it-news.com and

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