Monday, September 9, 2024

Write to Make Them Buy

We know that the primary aim of a sales copy is to make people buy. I don’t mean you should trick people into buying, but your copy should be written in such a manner that it should address to the issues that directly make an impact on them. To understand this, you have to empathize with your readers, with the website visitors.

If you follow these points it makes it easier to write an effective sales copy.


Buying entails parting with hard-earned money. I’ll pay for something that gives me more satisfaction than the cash I have. For instance these days I’m planning to buy a musical keyboard so that I can practice my singing better. If a copywriter wants me to read his or her copy and then buy the keyboard being promoted there, he or she should tell me why I should buy that keyboard and not some other keyboard. What value for my money I’m going to get? Get me convinced and you’ve got a buyer.

People also spend money to make more money, to improve life in general.


Contrary to the phrase “devil is in the detail”, detail can often pay great dividends, especially when the product or the service is important and costs big money. If I have to spend $500 on a gadget, I really need to convince myself. I need the specifics. Reverting back to my keyboard (I really need to buy it), it matters if my keyboard has features like play-back, looping, beat controls, midi-plugins etc. Features that highlight the benefits of the product should be eminently discussed. But then you should also avoid needless talk.


Curiosity and trickery are two different things. Use the curiosity factor as far as getting the attention goes. After that, the product and its genuine description should do the real work. Curiosity works best if you really want people to take some action, for instance, opening an email, or subscribing to a newsletter just to find what sort of content is published in it.


This is something that matters a lot. Does the product solve my problem? Does your ad copy convincingly state that? If not, a big point is being missed and customers are being lost even if it is a worthy product. Addressing a problem also makes your readers attentive. It tells them you understand their problem and can provide a solution.


Does your copy instill trust? The Internet is a shady place due to the inaccessibility factor. You rarely see the faces of people you’re planning to buy a product from. It is the job of the copywriter to give face to the message of the website. The words should really talk, stretch forward and touch the reader.


Since there could be hundreds of products similar to the one you are writing sales copy for, there should be something to highlight why this product is better. In fact this is why different producers produce same types of products but with different features. Take for example PC manufacturers Compaq and IBM. Why would I buy a Compaq instead of an IBM? Price? Durability? The included software? Delivery? After-sale service? Easy availability of replaceable parts? Aesthetics?

Highlight such things if they genuinely deserve to be highlighted.


The Internet, fortunately or unfortunately, is full of noises. There could be hundreds of websites selling the same product. They distract the prospective buyer even if they don’t sell properly. You have to become a voice above the din. You have to be articulate enough to make your point so that your voice can be easily heard. This can distinguish you from the general crowd and initiate a lasting relationship with the buyer.

Amrit Hallan is a freelance copywriter,
and a website content writer. He also dabbles
with PHP and HTML. For more tips and tricks in
PHP, JavaScripting, XML, CSS designing and
HTML, visit his blog at

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