Sunday, October 6, 2024

Working Your Way Out Of A Home-Based Business Slump

When something is new it’s always easy to be motivated. It’s new. It’s exciting. But what happens when your business becomes hum drum” to you? It happens to the best of us. A slump. A rut. Downtime. Low productivity. We all experience these low periods where our energy wanes and our motivation weakens. We look at the work before us and think, “Why bother? What’s the point?” We can’t get moving. We procrastinate. Days, weeks, and perhaps even months go by, and we seem to accomplish very little.

Unfortunately, most work at home business owners choose to move on to the next new and exciting thing. When the right thing to do is to stick with what you’ve got. Sure, even the best network marketers, the best salespeople all hit down time. The secret is they know how to make it through a slump and get right back up on the horse. How do they do it? Here’s a few suggestions related specifically to work at home business owners to help us get out of our home-based business slump. First and foremost, realize that slumps will inevitably come. They are just part of life. They are as dependable as the sun rising and setting. Also know that following every slump will come the days of feasting.

Second, realize that you are the one in control of this situation. Feelings of despair and disappointment are often common in a slump. Re-evaluate the situation and come up with a plan to re-energize” your business.

Find the root of your slump. Did you have a slow month? Was your focus centered elsewhere not on your business? Are you having problems dealing with a certain person in your organization? Realizing the root of your dissatisfaction is half the battle. Once you’ve pinpointed the problem, develop a strategy for coping with or solving the problem. Speaking of roots. Get back to them. Write down the reasons for why you chose to become a work at home business owner. Why did you choose the business that you’re working? What was your original motivation? Write down the pros & cons of your choice. Sometimes we lose sight of why we are doing what we are doing and it’s easy to get off course. Identifying our roots may help us get focused. Develop a schedule. One reason some of us get in a slump is that we tend to lose track of our schedule. We get bogged down with extra work or too many things to do at once and shut down. Others, like myself, turn slow time into a time to do “nothing” because when it’s not pressing it isn’t important. Re-evaluate your schedule and your daily to-do list. Make sure you are really doing what you need to be doing when you need to be doing it.

Set new goals. The goals you had last week, last month or last year may not be applicable to the time at hand. Set new and exciting goals for your business. What would you like to accomplish in the next week, month or year. Set long term and short term goals. Then spend time inventing new ways to accomplish those goals.

Give your website a facelift. Have new graphics designed, create new pages, and write new and exciting articles. Develop a new product. Have new business cards made. Develop a new ad campaign strategy.

Get an education. Is there something you’ve always wanted to learn or know how to do? Research how to take an online class and learn a new facet of your business. Take a motivational course, a course on team building, or a web-design course. Read a motivational book. Anything that will help you with your business will also be tax-deductible. Education is exciting and will get you re-energized by giving you something new on which to focus your mind.

Develop a personal fitness program. At a certain level your personal outlook affects your business. If you’re not happy with yourself develop a plan on how to better yourself personally. It all works together to achieve your main motivational goal. Developing a strategy for personal wellness will enhance your mood therefore making you have more energy for your business endeavors.

Search out inspiration. Find an inspiring quote that you enjoy and develop a plan to live by it. Create a goal poster or motivational message to yourself that you will see everyday. Start a journal and keep track of your goals. Seek out a mentor. Find someone that is good at what you want to be good at and follow his or her example. Feed off of their energy during your low points.

Reward yourself. Start a special savings account, maybe a percentage of your sales or all sales from “x” month go to the reward. Keep a picture of your reward in front of you so that you know why you’re working so hard. At the end of the time, be sure to award yourself appropriately.

Think outside the box. Was your original problem simply a “stale” business? Find new clients. Find a way to gain new and different clients. Think outside of what you have always done and find new venues to market your goods. New clients, and new marketing techniques can always re-energize a business.

Whatever your reason for being in your slump there is always a solution as to how to get out of it. Sometimes it’s as simple as just doing something.

Tara Crooks is the site owner and editor of Taras journey with WAHM
Advertising began with the launch of her first site in June
2001. Since, she has earned a profitable living by building
a great WAHM advertising resource & network in Advertising
Moms. She is a PROUD Army Wife and WAHM!

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