Saturday, October 5, 2024

Working Your Business Around The Clock!

At the dawn of the Information Age came the fax-on- demand…information received instantly by using a fax machine.

As the Information Age evolved into the use of the Internet so the information evolved into the use of email-on-demand with the use of autoresponders.

An autoresponder is just what the name implies. It is an auto response e-mail address that is programmed to automatically deliver a specific message upon receiving the request.

Autoresponders allow your business to be operational around the clock 24 hours a day-7days a week-365 days a year.

Autoresponders can by used in a variety of ways delivering your targeted information instantly to your viewer/reader without you having to answer or have your computer on.

Due to the vast amount of information (content) needed to fill web sites and ezines, one of the most powerful uses is to use an autoresponder to market your articles to ezine publishers and web masters for using as free content.

Using a free auto responder program, place each one of your articles on an individual auto responder (don’t forget to send a Thank You letter about 3 days later) and make it available for your readers to receive a copy by sending an e-mail to the autoresponder address.

After you have several articles available by autoresponder, create one Master Article List, to be available by autoresponder, with the title of all your articles followed by each of their autoresponder addresses.

You might use the name “article-index” or “articles- master-list”, something that will note it is the master list containing the titles of all your articles. My master list title is articles-simplebiz.

When completing each new article, remember to always add your newest article and the autoresponder address to the top of your master list.

A viewer/buyer sees or reads something that is of interest and sends an e-mail to the autoresponder address for the information. The requested information is automatically sent right back to them in an e-mail using the autoresponder.

In addition to having the initial information requested, there are generally several “auto” responses that will be set up and sent at specific intervals. This keeps your name and information in front of your viewer/buyer.

Here are the addresses of two of the most widely used Autoresponders: (Simple Biz uses)

As you can see, having your business on “auto pilot” using an autoresponder means your time can be better spent marketing your business or enjoying time with family and friends rather than having to personally respond to each inquiry for repetitive information that comes into your mailbox.

Autoresponders allow you to conduct this part of your business continuously with little upkeep on your part as you…. Work Your Business Around The Clock!

Livvie Matthews offers a complete line of services ranging from the do-it yourselfers, to consulting and joint venture services, to full writing and production services for home based businesses, small businesses and large corporations worldwide for creating and marketing their own simple, but effective, versatile information tool! Market Your Goldmine or visit Subscribe:

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