Wednesday, September 18, 2024

With “Google” In Your URL, No AdSense For You!

AdSense Disallowed On URLs Containing ‘Google’“. This was said by Google itself. A Google Blogoscoped account shows an AdSense ban of a portion of an active site. Google disallowed the owner of the site from displaying Google AdSense ads on the Chinese version of that particular site on the ground that it was located at

Google explained like this :

“Publishers are not permitted to make prominent use of “Google Brand Features” on sites showing Google ads. Google Brand Features include Google logos, product screenshots, or other distinctive features. Additionally, publishers may not place Google ads on sites incorporating Google trademarks in the site URL or on sites that frame Google pages, including search results pages. Which means in your case that the word “google” in the URL is not okay for showing ads, hence we had to deactivate serving to the site.”

But when you look at the trademark guidelines of Google it says that there is no problem in using the word “Google” in this manner. It explains: “distinguish the trademark from the surrounding text in some way. Capitalize the first letter, capitalize or italicize the entire mark, place the mark in quotes, use a different type style or font for the mark than for the generic name.”

Its high time that Google should really make up their mind regarding what is allowed and what’s not. And moreover there should be a universal rule for each and every user.


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