Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Wireless Markup Language 101


If you missed the previous article that led to this one, you can find it here:

Below are some of the mechanics of the language:

The Prologue, is the first part of your WML article. It contains information for the browser to let them know what kind of document it is and where they can find the rules (DTD) for this document. It usually is:

<?xml version=”1.0″?>

Line Space and Formatting Tags

<card title=”Horses”>
Welcome!<br/>To the <u>wonderful</u> world of <i><b>Horses</b></i>!

Here is an example of making a table in WML (This too is the same as HTML):

<card title=”TableofHorses”><p>
<table columns=”3″>
<td>Thoroughbred Horses</td>
<td>Quarter Horses</td>

When you use the anchor tag, you should use “go”, “prev”, or “refresh” tags to let the browser know what specific action to take.

<card title=”HorseLinks”><p>
<go href=”thoroughbreds.wml”/>

<go href=”arabians.wml”/>

<go href=”paints.wml”/>


The <a> tag always performs a “go” task, with no variables. The example below does the same as the <anchor> tag example:

<card title=”Secretariat1″><p>
<a href=”secretariat2.wml”>More Information</a>

>A WML card can be set up to display an image:

<card title=”Picofsecretariat”> <p>
Here is a picture of Secretariat
<img src=”../images/Secretariat.wbmp” alt=”Secretariat” />
in a paragraph

Input Fields
Letting a user enter information

<card title=”Input”>

Name: <input name=”Name” size=”15″/><br/>
Age: <input name=”Age” size=”15″ format=”*N”/><br/>
Sex: <input name=”Sex” size=”15″/>


Select and Option Tags for Forms

<card title=”Fastest Miler”>

<option value=”secretariat”>Secretariat</option>
<option value=”drfager”>Dr. Fager</option>
<option value=”spectacularbid”>Spectacular Bid</option>


Selecting More Than One Item

<card title=”Choose Your Favorite Breeds”>

<select multiple=”true”>
<option value=”arabians”>Arabians</option>
<option value=”quarters”>Quarter Horses</option>
<option value=”saddlebred”>Saddlebreds</option>



<card title=”HorseFieldsets”>

<fieldset title=”horse info”>
Title: <input name=”breed” type=”text”/><br/>
Prize: <input name=”name” type=”text”/>

Go Tags allow you to change to the next page

Next Page
<go href=”nextpage.wml”/>

Prev Task

Going back To The previous card

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