Thursday, September 19, 2024

Windows Vista vs. OSX Debate

OK, if you like short videos you won’t like these. Move along. Click “J” if you’re using Google Reader.

But, if you’re a real freak like me you’ll probably enjoy two hours of Mac vs. Windows Vista debates with four experts. I love how Maryam ends the second video.

Fred Davis has the details. Yes, we’ve posted about four hours of videos with me and Fred in them in the past two days.

I invited four geeks, representing both sides of the OS aisle. First is Fred Davis, co-founder of Wired Magazine. Second is Harry McCracken, editor in chief of PC World. Third is Sam Levin, founder of Stanford Mac User Group, among other Mac things. Fourth is Jeremy Toeman who worked at Sling Media when I first met him.

This was filmed in my living room. I’m rewatching it now and it’s actually quite fun. Hope you enjoy it, even though it’s two hours long.

It took a while to get into the Windows Vista stuff that’s good (the second hour has more of that, including discussion of .NET 3.0 and what’s good about that). If you actually do watch the video you’ll get quite a bit of historical context behind why these two operating systems have the business positions they do.

I split this up into two parts. Here’s the first hour, and here’s the second.

Congrats to Microsoft on shipping Windows Vista. We did this debate just for you.

UPDATE: Daily Kos has 700 comments on a debate about whether you are a conservative or a liberal just because of your OS choice.



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Robert Scoble is the founder of the Scobleizer blog. He works as’s Vice President of Media Development.

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