Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Windows Live: Not MS As Usual

Mary Jo Foley writes that, unlike the rest of Microsoft, people actually like the Windows Live team, and want to work for it.

While Google, Yahoo and others are stealing away Microsoft employees, Windows Live has been slowly building its own brain drain, picking up people like Niall Kennedy (formerly Technorati), Steve Berkowitz (Ask), Danny Thorpe (Google), J.J. Allaire (Macromedia), David LaVallee (Sun/Apple), Ronny Kohavi (Amazon), and Bill Zissimopoulos (AOL).

I can’t blame people for jumping to Windows Live. Talk about opportunity: larger budgets, talented people, a requirement to out-innovate some of the best innovators, and a mandate to take risks. I’d kill to work there, and clearly, I’m not the only one by a long shot.
Some other stuff:

Ray Ozzie says in an interview Microsoft is working on Live Drive, huge amounts of online digital data storage. No word on launch, but Michael Arrington says Google Drive won’t hit before 2007, “at best”.

A thread at the Search Engine Watch forums tries to determine what factors rank well in MSN/Windows Live Search. One poster says MSN appears to put a much higher price on content SEO (as much as 50%) than backlinks, unlike Google (85% emphasis on backlinks), which means properly optimized content can win a lot more often without link building. The title tag appears to be very important as well.

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Nathan Weinberg writes the popular InsideGoogle blog, offering the latest news and insights about Google and search engines.

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