Thursday, September 19, 2024

Will We All Have To Pay To Get Listed?

I got your name through murdok. We currently have several domain names registered. However only a couple that are used everyday. We have never had to pay to advertise because I have a full time web page developer and she also does all the search engine submitting. We are always in the top 1-5 on all search engines (unheard of unless you pay). We have noticed that on overture it looks like we are going to have to pay to get listed. Is this something that everyone is going to have to do eventually? Maybe on all search engines or just the ones overture owns?

I don’t really understand the theory of having to pay just to get to the top of an search engine when we have always been fortunate to be on top. I do notice that my competitors are only on top because they pay for it. Is it just the listing that is above the non-pay (like 3 at the top) always where you are going to end up? Will you please elaborate on what I have asked or would it be better for me to call you?
(This website will in the next 2 weeks be finished and will take over where is.)

Thank you for your time.

Dale Knauss
owner Mr. Ink Jet, Inc.

You have been very fortunate to have someone with the expertise to keep you on top. Unfortunately, things are changing. The fact of the matter is that if this person worked for you and you paid her, you were still paying to have a top position. Now, the good news is that you don’t need to use smoke and mirrors anymore to get to the top. Now, you simply pay to be on top or in whatever position you want to be. I think you’ll like it as you now have absolute control of your position. Stay away from those bidding wars or you’ll pay through the nose. PPC is the trend for now, I’m sure things will change within a few years to something else. As I told my 15-year-old son, “The Internet has gone commercial, it will never be the same.” Here are the most popular PPC providers:

The bottom 4 are much less expensive than the first 2. Google has a very strange system where you have little control of your position and they charge based on some formula – in effect it has cost me twice as much as Overture. Overture is by far the best.

For the most part, you’ll see the first group of listings called “Sponsored Listings”, they are normally a group of 3 but on AltaVista it’s 4. Google does it very different; they have the advertisement in a box to the right. I believe the search engines are going to take over the top 10 then 20 then 30 — it’s a great way for them to make money.

Neal Lebar has been building and managing Internet campaigns since 1996. He has proven that Internet marketing absolutely works and can generate returns far greater than traditional media. Visit –, or

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