Thursday, September 19, 2024

Will Apple and Intel Make It Work?

As you probably know by now, Apple recently announced that it entered a partnership with Intel in which Apple will use Intel chips in its Macintosh computers.

Apple says that by 2007, all of their computers will come with Intel chips. The announcement has rocked the tech world leading to endless articles, blog posts, and conversations about what Apple and Intel are up to.

Will Apple and Intel Make It Work? Apple claims that the announcement was made just to give developers a head start at porting applications. Some people don’t really believe this because Apple could have been more discreet in letting them know.

Many are considering Apple’s switching of processors to be a risky decision. There is the question of when the processors will become obsolete. It will be about a year before the new Intel models come out.

“It’s going to be a difficult transition, but if anyone can do it, Apple can,” said Microprocessor report editor in chief, Kevin Krewell. “But there still are risks. Will people stop buying Apples for the next two years waiting for the new ones to come out? And will developers stop developing for the PowerPC while waiting for the Intel chips?” David L. Hart of Union Tribune writes:

I don’t think current Mac owners (like me) have much to worry about. My iMac won’t stop working when new Intel Macs roll out. And Mac developers won’t be able to ignore the established base of PowerPC Macs for years to come.

But should you wait to buy? At this point it’s hard to say. You may have to wait more than two years before the Mac you want has Intel inside. That’s a long time to stretch a system that’s already 4, 5 or 6 years old.

Some people believe that the partnership between the two companies isn’t only about processors. Some think that they might be considering a merger. Recently David Utter of Murdok took a look at one man’s theory.

It has been predicted that the whole thing will hurt Apple’s market share, but Intel surely won’t be complaining. It recently revised its sales outlook by a couple of billion.

Chris is a staff writer for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest ebusiness news.

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