Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Wikipedia, YouTube Become Top Brands

For the second straight year, Google tops the list of worldwide brands in BrandChannel’s annual survey. The surprise, however, is the surging popularity of YouTube and Wikipedia, with both claiming spots in the top 5 rankings for the first time.

BrandChannel’s survey tapped 3,625 branding professionals and students asking the question, “Which brand had the most impact on our lives in 2006?”

At first I thought this question might err on the side of being a bit melodramatic. I mean honestly, what kind of impact is a brand name really going to have on my life. Is it going to change my destiny? Make me rich? Land me that hot date with Kate Beckinsale (I know she’s married, but let a guy dream) that I’ve been vehemently pursuing for God knows how long?

You get the point.

As I was going down the list, however, I realized that out of the top five global brands, there are three that I visit every day for the purposes of both work and leisure: Google, YouTube, and Wikipedia. I daresay I would be unable to function in the workplace without these particular brands, and that’s where the impact can truly be seen.

The real story, however, is how quickly YouTube and Wikipedia have become household names.

“The dramatic debut of these newcomers — YouTube in third and Wikipedia in fourth — is an indication of a larger trend — the growing impact of online brands built on user-generated contents,” BrandChannel editor Anthony Zumpano said in a statement.

In case you were wondering, here’s a breakdown of the survey’s total findings:

The Top 5 Global Brands:

1. Google
2. Apple
3. YouTube
4. Wikipedia
5. Starbucks

The Top 5 North American Brands:

1. Apple
2. YouTube
3. Google
4. Starbucks
5. Wikipedia

The Top 5 European Brands:

1. Ikea
2. Skype
3. Nokia
4. Zara
5. Adidas

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Joe is a staff writer for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest ebusiness news.

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