Friday, September 20, 2024

Wii’ve Got A Price and Wiimote VoIP

We have news and a rumor regarding Nintendo’s latest incarnation, Wii. It will come reasonably priced for the gamer market, according to the company’s US financial report. And it just may be that the Wiimote will be VoIP enabled.

In the financial report, Nintendo revealed that Wii will sell for no more than $250 in the US market and no more than 25,000 yen ($227) in Japan. Compared with pricey alternatives like Xbox 360 and the upcoming Playstation 3, the Wii console may be a great alternative – especially with 20 years worth of backward compatibility.

The Japanese gaming company is aiming to sell 6 million consoles by March 2007. If it does, it will effectively split the gaming market into three pieces. Microsoft says it expects to sell about 10 million of its Xbox 360 consoles this year, while Sony executives have confidently predicted that PS3 will sell 5 million units because of their reputation alone.

A Microsoft executive recently advised the gaming public interested in buying a PS3 to buy and Xbox and a Wii instead so they can have two consoles and save money. PS3 is expected to price for around $600. But if you want the real scoop, you should ask I4U’s E3 booth babes – or for no reason at all really.

The Wiimote specs have fans thinking VoIP capabilities. It comes with an installed speaker, and, according to, will also feature a microphone and store a user phonebook/address book. Why does a controller need VoIP? So online players can communicate with each other. Adding that type of functionality, some say, may boost the sales of the Wii.

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