Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Why You Need to Keep Your Website Updated

We’re all so busy, aren’t we? The days fly by, and before you know it – a week or a month has passed by. It’s easy to forget everything we have to do in today’s busy world.

But if you don’t keep your website updated, you’ll soon regret it. As quickly as things change on the Internet, you could find your site linking to nothing!

How embarrassing if a potential customer clicks a link on your site and gets a 404 error page. You sure won’t look very professional!

Here’s a list of several reasons you need to keep your website updated:

    1) Broken Links – These make you look unprofessional. This makes potential customers leave your site for someone else’s.

    2) Missing Graphics – Like broken links, sometimes graphics files can get moved around, or not uploaded properly in the first place. Then visitors get those annoying little boxes with red X’s!

    3) Outdated content – At the rate things change on the Internet, what was true yesterday may not be true today. For example, if you have any statistics on your site, check periodically for updates.

    4) Search engines – Search engines use links. They visit the links on your site and sites that link to you. This is a BIG reason to keep up-to-date!

    5) More knowledge – Always keep adding to your website. The more content the better!

    6) Add new products (or remove old ones) – If you are selling products as an affiliate from your website, then you will need to add new ones (and remove old ones). Time passes, and some things just aren’t useful anymore – get them off your website.

    7) Scripts – If you use javascript or other scripts on your website, make sure you keep them up-to-date. It’s more irritating to visitors to see something that doesn’t work than it is to not see anything at all! If it isn’t working, and you can’t fix it, get it off your site.

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