Thursday, September 19, 2024

Why Office 2.0 Matters

I’ve been invited to blog the “Under The Radar: Why Office 2.0 Matters” event on March 23rd.

The event, produced by Dealmaker Media, showcases 32 emerging office 2.0 applications that are changing office workflow and disrupting traditional technology, impacting everything from organization, collaboration, tracking, and publishing to communicating, personalizing, and syncing.

It will focus on the future of the office 2.0 landscape and its challenges and opportunities within SMB and enterprise adoption and the monetization of services.

UTR: Office 2.0 will be held from 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. at the Microsoft Conference Center, Building 1, 1065 La Avenida Street Mountain View, CA. It will be moderated by Sean Wise of Wise Mentor Capital and Rafe Needleman of Webware/CNET.

Presenting companies include:

Vyew – Conferencing/Collaboration; we actually use their product for web conferencing.

ConceptShare – We’ve been using this for sharing and working with graphics and design – we know this is going to be beloved by the web design/user interface community.

Slideaware – In stealth mode, it’s a seamless and clever re-tooling of PowerPoint, moving it off your desk and into the real (web) world.

Editgrid – Spreadsheets and data organization; A feature-rich, super secure online spreadsheet that works with XML and XSLT – it’s revving up for the semantic web onslaught.

Xcellery – Lets you painlessly integrate your desktop Excel with the web. – Supports group project management; make changes via email.

Teqlo – A module based mash-up tool that speaks a language that allows for infinite flexibility. With Jeff Nolan at the head and the newly hired Rob Boothby, they’re about to make some noise.

Wufoo – The new disrupter on the scene – a first-rate form building and hosting app.

SiteKreator – Build out your website with super-fast and powerful tools – we made a complex site, in one night, using it.

Stikkit – Organize your inventory of “stuff” with this online tool that aims to put the (antiquated?) Post-It note out of business.

Blogtronix – Intranet/Extranet Knowledge Management; An integrated suite of tools combining blogs, wikis and document management – available as SAS, software and as a secure appliance.

Koral – Content Management; Koral’s spin on their late in the game release is that they’re better able to answer to the wants and needs of users unsatisfied with whatever CM they’re stuck with now.

Companies demonstrating success through the Graduate Circle Program include, Atlassian, Colligo, EchoSign, Etelos, FreshBooks, Jive Software, Joyent, iUpload, Oddcast, ThinkFree, Zoho

The Selection Committe:

Rod Boothby – InnovationCreators

Richard MacManus – Read/WriteWeb

Zoli Erdos – Zoliblog

Ismael Ghalimi, IT Redux

Stowe Boyd – Message/

Ori Weinroth – Microsoft

Troy Angrigon – Business Objects

Brad Feld – Feld Thoughts

Rafe Needleman – Webware

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