Thursday, September 19, 2024

Why Market Your Business Online?

If you are like me, and love your business, you certainly want to grow it to be as successful as possible. Whatever product or service you offer, wouldn’t you be willing to nurture it through the number one way to market”the internet? Especially if you realized all the benefits?

You want to market Online because

1. It’s less trouble.

You don’t have to be a polished presenter to market your product effectively Online. While speaking to groups in person does give you instant credibility, it takes a great deal of preparation time for your talk, your materials, and your wardrobe.

At your computer nobody cares if you’re in your jeans and tee shirt. You don’t have to run to the copy shop or printers either. Your talk translates easily into a short article. It’s far easier to write a how-to article that you can edit several times at your leisure, and send it immediately by just clicking a button.

2. It’s non-threatening to the less brazen promoter.

You don’t have to “sell” your product. Over the Internet, you won’t meet sales resistance or rejection face-to-face. Even if you are good in public situations and can present yourself clearly and confidently, it’s far easier to pitch yourself through the printed word.

People Online are ready customers when they find you. As your target market, they want information, and appreciate the instant delivery of your product as well as the ease of ordering it Online.

3. It’s so convenient.

You don’t have to schlep your product around with you. You don’t have to keep track of inventory. When you sell eProducts such as eBooks or eSpecial reports you don’t have to wrap, stamp, or mail them.

4. It’s less time investment.

Online marketing saves you time because you can do it all from one location.

Attending meetings or giving presentations take prep, driving in traffic, and several hours out of your day. You may not make a sale for months. At your computer, your messages shoot out to thousands instantly, and you haven’t even had to put on panty hose!

5. It’s much less money.

You can start your business with little capital. Most Online business locations are at home. Web sites have become our virtual office. Compare the costs to maintaining an office to maintaining your site. Instead of thousands of dollars a month, it’s only hundreds. You can hire a virtual assistant from a local tech school for a reasonable fee, that more than pays for your increased sales.

6. It’s vast with endless possibilities.

While you may not be a millionaire right away, it’s probable, that in time, you could be one. The World-Wide Web awaits your unique creation and creativity. People are ready to buy every day. Even with modest time investment, you’ll reap vast rewards.

7. It’s supportive of the entrepreneur.

You can exchange information, ideas and find mentors and other qualified professionals to assist you in your Online adventure. People are so friendly Online.

8. It’ a grand adventure.

You meet wonderful people from all over the world, who want to know you, and even buy from you.

Just remember, like a garden, a new venture takes time to be planted, watered, and nourished, weeded and ultimately harvested. Don’t give up too soon. Keep your patience going, and enjoy the process.

Judy Cullins, 20-year Book and Internet Marketing Coach works with small business people who want to make a difference in people’s lives, build their credibility and clients, and make a consistent life-long income. Author of 10 eBooks including “Write your eBook Fast,” “How to Market your Business on the Internet,” and “Create your Web Site With Marketing Pizzazz,” she offers free help through her 2 monthly ezines, The Book Coach Says…and Business Tip of the Month at and over 145 free articles. Email her at

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