Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Why Do You Do It?

We spend a great deal of time talking about what we are going to do.

When we are young we talk about going to college, getting married, raising a family, building a career. When we get a little older we begin talking about the house we will buy, the vacations we will take. A little further on we begin to look at preparing for retirement-how we will save and invest, how we will spend our time. During retirement we talk about creating a legacy for our children and grandchildren.

But how many of those plans actually come to fruition? By my observations, not too many.

Sure, we get married, we have kids, but very few of us ever accomplish our stated dreams. Sometimes those dreams change, but sometimes not. Sometimes we just don’t quite get there.

How do we maintain focus when life is still going on around us? How can we stay on course with our goals and dreams in the midst of running to soccer games and building a career?

One way to keep that focus is to zero in on the reason we are going to do a thing, rather than focusing on just the activity itself.

For instance, if someone wants to build an online business, they may set a goal like “I want to have a $10,000 per month income by January 2004.” Great goal, but it’s not very motivating.

To get motivated, think about why you want to make $10,000 per month. Do you want to have a different lifestyle? How so? Do you want to build your dream house? Pay for your kids college? Care for an elderly relative?

It’s not the goal, it’s the REASON for accomplishing the goal that counts.

If the reason is big enough for us, no amount of adversity will stop us.

Perhaps you are tempted to give up on a goal or two right now. Maybe 2002 hasn’t been the uninterrupted success you thought it would be a year ago. Focus on the reasons why you chose success in the first place, and you will most likely find the motivation you need.

Kevin Bidwell is owner of

Kevin just finished a complete report on building a passive
income. Grab your copy here:

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