Thursday, September 19, 2024

Who, What, Where, Why, When, How…

What’s Happening?!

No, I’m not talking about Rerun and the gang, I’m referring to the questions a lot of your clients (and employees) probably have: What is going on with your company? What events are taking place? Your Web site can be the perfect tool to inform everyone of all the latest happenings by including a calendar of events which can be used by visitors to your site – and your employees as well.

First let’s discuss a general-purpose, viewable-by-everyone-in-the-entire-world calendar. Almost every company has some sort of event or activity taking place. Have you ever wondered why no one knows about your events? Have you told them? And if it’s on your site “somewhere,” do people actually know where “somewhere” is? Web surfers like simplicity; they want to be able to view activities at a glance. A web-based calendar gives them that functionality. They can view all events, or all events on a day, week, month, etc. It is not only a great way to keep people informed, it will encourage repeat visitors by always giving them something fresh to look at.

The other way to implement a calendar is to do so internally – meaning only people in your organization can view or change calendar information, usually with a password. This has many possible uses. Does everybody on your team know about the important deadline coming up? Who is doing what task? An internal calendar can solve both of these problems. It will allow everyone to know what is going on. There are many different ways the information can be viewed. Completed tasks can be listed as well, so the team leader can view all the completed work, who did it, and when it was finished. No more missed deadlines, or work slipping through the cracks. All the activities are right at your fingertips.

Whether it’s letting the world know what your company is up to or letting your employees know what the world is up to, a web-based calendar is a good way to go. So the next time you need to know “What’s Happening?”, don’t go ask Rerun, just check out your Web site.

*Originally published at

Rebecca Lang is founder of Lang Design, Inc. an Internet web design and development with an emphasis on marketing website business. Serving businesses nationwide, we are located in Wilmington, Delaware, just south of the Philadelphia Metro area.

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